What video games are you looking forward to?

Discussion in 'Gaming and Tech' started by Kaiden, Oct 14, 2011.

  1. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    I didn't like the first games so the next game will be shit. Teddi if their games were shit they wouldn't have won game of the year. Sorry, your too picky. You sound like v.

    (I did happen to watch the leaked first 20 minutes, it basically looked like Oblivion with new UI, I'm thinking Skyrim is more of an expansion type deal. Nothing extraordinarily new, but still looks awesome.)
  2. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    I'm going to point out here that awards in the game industry are completely useless. Battlefield 3 had over 60 awards and it wasn't even in public beta yet. I've disliked all of the ES games, especially Oblivion. A game shouldnt be completable within 2 hours. I shouldn't have to go out of my way and do a bunch of sidequests for people that I don't really give a flying fuck about. Deus Ex actually did it really well, the main story being 28~ hours roughly and the sidequests, which there's 6 of take about 4-6 hours to complete. The story bar the ending was actually compelling and the game engine handled nicely, even giving us a little dance such as


    Gamebyro is just shit.
  3. Pot Ducky

    Pot Ducky Hurf Durf,

    Jul 8, 2008
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    I personally really liked oblivion but then i suppose it's based entirely on character.

    Oblivion and Morrowind are game that i can go back to at any point spend a LOT of time playing on a character i've already completed the main storyline on, And always have something new to do.

    Just a side note here, On 360 i had just under 140 hours of oblivion playtime.
  4. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    A developer run who MADE the game, that knows everything about the game, prob skipping joining a guild, leveling his shit up, just running through on the easiest difficulty, finding the hidden treasure weapon at dungeon X so he can faceroll through the game, can't beat his own game in two hours, because that itself makes the game shit, Right? Beating Super Mario 64 in 10 minutes makes the game shit right? That claim is full of shit, and you know it. Deus Ex being 28 hours is you, the gamer, beating it. You didn't develop it, you had to take your time because you didn't know every quest/mission/level etc. If you've disliked every ES game, then you have no basis to say it's shit, especially if you use dumb argument's like length of the game, that is totally subjective.
    1 person likes this.
  5. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    I use the length because if you were to skip all of the side quest rubbish, you could still complete it in under 10 hours. You're blowing what I said entirely out of proportion especially with your Mario example. Sure speedruns are fun and enjoyable however with Mario, half the charm is discovering the shortcuts / secrets and if you don't find them then you're "forced" to play the game as it is and get to the end the way the developer expected.

    Lets take Fallout 3 as an example. About 10 hours into the game I decided fuck this, I can't be arsed running around and having to time things so I'm travelling at ideal times, so I went to seek out threedog and then my dad. After trawling through the same fucking subway layout for about an hour, I get to threedog, then move on and find my dad pretty sharpish. Fallout (and the Oblivion games) promise a rich story line that is supposed to be full and fleshed out yet what they actually give is a very short story and a bunch of side stories that half of the time are just x is invading, please slay or y is fighting with z, please sort it out (in a slightly more elaborate context).

    I enjoyed the Battlefield 3 story for what it was because it was short, sweet and it was exactly what it sold itself to be - a standard war story with typical characters and a slightly cheesy yet satisfying story (though the ending should have been the Marine talking, not the Russian).

    It's not subjective because at the end of it all, referring to what I've said they sell themselves as many hours of entertainment when in honesty, it's a very short experience. I'm the sort of person that likes to play games and get them done with (unless the story is compelling which I'll then go further, eg the Golden Sun 1 / 2). Achievements don't usually peak my interest unless they're creative and do somewhat extend the lifespan of the game I'm playing.
  6. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Well the whole fun of the ES games wasn't the main storyline, but you wouldn't know that since you hate them all. Sure, it's nice to have a good main storyline, but it's just like GTA, you have a main storyline, sure it could be sub par, but the game is still fun because of side missions and just general messing around. If you like linear games then why are you playing RPGs?
  7. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Because a RPG should be compelling and bring me, the player into the story. Just because I dislike the ES series doesn't mean I haven't tried to play them as far in as possible. I go in to each game (ask Killermon this, we've done it a few times, a prime example being Terraria where we went in as neutral as possible) with a fresh mind and allow it to try and show me that it's enjoyable.

    I loathed Just Cause 1, but I thoroughly enjoyed Just Cause 2. The story and gameplay had both been heavily improved upon and I was pleasantly surprised by it and it's no secret how bad Just Cause 1 really was. I agree that dicking about and seeing how long you could be sentenced for in Oblivion could be hilarious at times, however I just found it dull and not all that exciting.

    It doesn't help that they use Gamebyro which makes it feel far more awkward than what it should be.
  8. Pot Ducky

    Pot Ducky Hurf Durf,

    Jul 8, 2008
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    I don't understand why you like saints row
  9. Zeke

    Zeke [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    May 2, 2008
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    Well, Teddi has a bad taste in good RPGs, leave him be guys.

    Anyways I watched the 40 minute leaked video finally and it looked great. They added a lot of new stuff and some of the landscape looks fantastic. The best part of it though was the fucking DRAGONS. I pretty much orgasm-ed when I saw the first one. Here is the video...


    Skyrim 11/11/11...just 9 more days! I already bought my copy on steam and I'm psyched to throw away days of my life.
  10. Zephyr1551

    Zephyr1551 The Slayer of Bob

    Jul 14, 2008
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    I have the collectors edition already pre-ordered. I can't wait to pick it up
  11. Pot Ducky

    Pot Ducky Hurf Durf,

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Also there's a smithing skill?

    "The art of creating weapons and armor from raw materials, or improving non-magical weapons and armor"

    Sounds interestinggg
  12. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Because Saints Row the third is selling itself as a wacky game with all sorts of random shit in it. #2 Was more story driven and continued from #1 and it was all about the Saints getting to the top. Don't misinterpret what I like and dislike, it's the fact that Oblivion (and thinking Skyrim will do this, but I'll aquire that via other means to see that first) sells itself as a huge RPG with an interactive world and in reality is just a straight up go to here with optional filler quests around you.
  13. Pot Ducky

    Pot Ducky Hurf Durf,

    Jul 8, 2008
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    The way i see it TES is an mmo without other players.
  14. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Because every dungeon, cave, mountain, is part of the filler quests. Clearly.
  15. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Look at fallout 3 and New Vegas. Bethseda are already pretty terrible devs, and their recent products really show this.
  16. Pot Ducky

    Pot Ducky Hurf Durf,

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Yeah i am also worried about their recent history, especially in PC support but i have my fingers crossed ;)
  17. King Cole

    King Cole Active Member

    Sep 8, 2009
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    I just took their little survey/questionnaire thing. Hope I get in.
  18. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    After playing Heroes of Newerth I've lost any interest I had in those kinds of games. While HoN doesn't particularly portray every DotA style game (LoL etc), I feel it does portray the kind of community it attracts, and that's one of people I never really want to associate with (idiots + idiots who are asses).
  19. giantzfan53

    giantzfan53 Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    My question for Xbox is: Skyrim or Modern Warfare 3?
  20. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Skyrim, can say what you want about it but it'll still be better than another generic FPS based on another generic FPS. (soz CoD fans)

    Unless you like those kinds of games anyway.