[SUGGESTION] Donation Badge

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Bugs' started by Chase, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. Chase

    Chase [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    Feb 19, 2016
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    I don't know if this has been mentioned before but, I feel like a donation goal to a badge would be nice and might motivate others to donate more. Say $10 you get some bronze badge then $25 silver then $50 gold and even maybe all the way up to a rainbow badge. Everyone loves multi-color items. The badge being where the plat and staff badges are.
  2. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    So generally I'm in support of this idea, but it's likely this would either enhance the current Platinum badge (and have it grow) or be a badge that could be used instead of the Platinum badge.

    There's also the question of how does the badge work, do we base it off how many times a player has redeemed Platinum? Based off a persons total spend from the donation system? The reason these questions are getting raised is because at the end of the day, when a person donates - they aren't necessarily the person redeeming the reward. Is it better to acknowledge the actual "spender" vs the redeemer?
  3. Chase

    Chase [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    Feb 19, 2016
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    I was thinking total spend. Now that I look in the donations I’m not sure. Maybe buying some title cards and such to help the server out. Maybe if the idea comes along you can gift a plat to someone to really get there. If gifting does come along that would be a nice achievement to get.
  4. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Agree with Teddi it'd be nice to reward those repeat/regular donators, but need the right way of doing it. I thought it'd be interesting if the [P] in chat/scoreboard could evolve at i.e. $10 increments up to $100, although there's only so many ways a simple icon can evolve! As I understand it right now we track Plat subscriptions but not a total someone has donated.

    In general I want there to be more recognition of those who donate (if they want it) - I feel as we're not reliant on donations to run unlike the vast majority of communities, we don't mention it everywhere, bar F1 and a few ticker messages that's about it. The [P] on the scoreboard and coming back to chat recently is a great example of recognising donators.

    I think there's probably a fine line between letting players flaunt their donator status and cramming it down people's throats. In ye olde days of RP or DR etc you were given game-breaking perks which defined the premium status, but with Surf we're totally confined to non-game enhancing perks.

    If we were heavily reliant on donators there'd be several "levels" or packs to choose from for Platinum for example with increasing costs and perks, ultimately we're in a lucky position where we can offer something simple.

    Internally we have discussed recently how we can reward those who want to donate more (or a lot more in some cases) as I feel it's something we need to improve on, and I'm sure we can work on that.
    Chase likes this.
  5. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Gifting is already a thing, people can generate codes which can be redeemed with /redeem and we track who redeems what although the actual redemption system doesn't officially talk back to the donation system (yet).

    Adding on to this and to make it a bit clearer - we could absolutely up the ante for donation perks for Surf, but we actively don't (nor other new gamemodes we add) as we try to add value in features that benefit you information-wise or cosmetically, but not via gameplay power. But overall I agree more recognition is required.