So er, where is Zombie Escape?

Discussion in 'Server Chat / Updates' started by Teddi, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    In short there was a bunch of things I wasn't happy with and I'm still not happy with, so here's roughly what's being worked on at the moment;

    • At the moment I'm designing the RP weapon bases, so before i tie in all the RP elements I'll be porting the skeleton over to Zombie Escape. I dislike the MadCow base and it has some pretty dodgy stuff in it (random holstering etc).
    • Zombie spawning - I want zombies after a certain time to be in game - working out a valid way of doing this without being too weak or overpowering.
    • I dislike zombie animations at the moment. I'm either going to tie them in properly (so they act like fast zombs) or swap models entirely.
    • Maps - I need some assistance with this quite badly.
      • Please search for any good maps, good is defined as following-
      • Zombie Panic!: Source or Zombie Master maps can also be used
      • Not half-arsed and the general quality of the map is good
      • Objectives are allowed
      • Humans don't start off in more than two places (if possible)
      • The map actually functions in Garrysmod. You don't need a gamemode to test these maps
      • A specific theme isn't required.
      • Please actually test the map - this saves me time later when it turns out the map doesn't actually even start up.
    • Weapon Store needs to be worked on slightly, mostly just to bring it up to scratch and make use of the screen
    • If the map has admin areas / secret areas, that's fine as long as you notify me so I can block those areas off.
    • When this launches I'd prefer to have 20 maps ready to go
    • Some post processing just to spruce things up a bit
    • If you want to help develop some automatic weapons (eg the AK, M4 etc) the skeleton for the base is below. Fill in relevant information (if you get stuck just put N/A and I'll fill it in) and post it in [noparse]
      [/noparse] tags.

    So whilst working on RP, that's also going on. If you assist with the maps issue then that would speed things up greatly (as that's the time consuming issue at the moment).

    Please try to balance any weapons respectively. All weapons will have dynamic recoil etc so don't worry about that.
    Custom models are allowed I suppose as long as they're not too big. Please provide a link to the models in your response (must be hexxed models i might add).
    SWEP.PrintName 			= "Name of Weapon"
    SWEP.Author  = "Insert name here"
    SWEP.Contact = "If you want credit, sure"
    //Weapon related stuff
    SWEP.ViewModel		= "models/weapons/v_smg1.mdl" //View model example
    SWEP.WorldModel		= "models/weapons/w_smg1.mdl" //World model example
    SWEP.HoldType 		= "smg" //ar2 is the alt one
    //Clipsizes and whatsnot
    SWEP.Primary.Sound			= Sound("Weapon_SMG1.Single") //Shot fired per bullet
    SWEP.Primary.RSound			= Sound("weapons/smg1/smg1_reload.wav") // Reload sound
    SWEP.Primary.Damage			= 20 //This is damage per shot
    SWEP.Primary.ClipSize		= 30 //Clip size
    SWEP.Primary.Delay			= 0.07 //This is the speed of the SMG in Deathrun and in HL2 (of each bullet fired)

    If there's any other wacky weapons you want to suggest to be added, feel free to post them.
  2. Whitefang

    Whitefang ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Jul 12, 2008
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  3. Sleepydragn1

    Sleepydragn1 Serious Business Since 08

    May 12, 2008
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    Some maps I would suggest for [BB] Zombie Escape

    I've been playing Zombie Escape recently for the dual purposes of both fun and to find some maps that I could recommend for use in our Zombie Escape. So far I've found a few quality maps:


    General Description: This map takes place on the Death Star, and humans must escape from zombies by using Darth Vader's personal ship. It's of general good quality, sporting Star Wars music, custom textures and skyboxes, interesting locales and holdpoints, a cantina, and lightsabres. From what I've seen playing this map on Zombie Escape servers, it's for the most part fairly balanced between humans and zombies.
    Bugs: None that I've seen.
    Number of Spawns: 3, however they quickly combine into two paths that humans can choose.
    Garry's Mod Compatibility: I've run through the whole map and it works fine with three main exceptions: First, when you go through the airlock onto the outer hull, there's normally low gravity, or something that simulates it in CS:S. Without it, however, the map still works fine, it's just that you can't jump up the crates instead of the ladder at the end. Secondly, the "20+" door at the final hold point before the hangar contains a teleport that doesn't work. Normally it teleports you back to the hold point and gives you 20 points (which makes me think it may only work with the Zombie Escape gamemode), but instead it doesn't work and instead becomes a deadly trap. Finally, the crate that allows you enterence into the final hold point is slightly too high for Gmod jumping, but I think that will be tweaked in the Gmod gamemode anyways, so it shouldn't be a problem.
    Easter Eggs: The lightsabre is an easter egg, but it's not game breaking. Also, the 20+ points room is a semi-easter egg as you have to get there fast enough to get through the door before it closes.
    Download Link:
    Sample Gameplay:



    General Description: This map takes place in a prison-like setting, and humans must escape from the attacking zombies to the outside of the facility, and detonate the nuclear core to prevent a wide-scale disaster. All of the holdout points are elevators, but even so, gameplay is balanced and fun. The map is of general good quality, and is interesting, staying consistent with it's style while still bringing players to interesting areas.
    Bugs: None that I've seen.
    Number of Spawns: 2
    Garry's Mod Compatibility: Seemed to work fine throughout my run through in Gmod besides one "ERROR" model in the giant pit that opens up after the rotating doors, and the fact that the mesh that blocks the last elevator's upper opening can't be destroyed by bullets (they just go through), and has to be destroyed by melee weapons (normally it can be destroyed by guns).
    Easter Eggs: None that I know of.
    Download Link:
    Sample Gameplay:



    General Description: This map takes place in a arctic sea setting with industrial facilities built up around it. It comes complete with snow, ice, icecaps, and freezing arctic water. This map mainly uses boats as it's escape vehicles, but other vehicles such as a moving platform, a ice sled, and a helicopter are also used. This map has fun gameplay, although it unbalanced so that the Humans generally win. However, it's not unbalanced to the point that zombies cannot win. To sum it up, it's a nice variation on the overused boat escape.
    Bugs: None that I've seen.
    Number of Spawns: 1
    Garry's Mod Compatibility: Worked absolutely fine throughout my run through of it.
    Easter Eggs: There are three Easter Eggs in total. I've attached a video below that shows them. The snowman one is just a fun easter egg, and doesn't affect gameplay, however the other two (the orange and the watermelon easter eggs) do. The watermellon isn't too bad (and it is a pretty fun egg), although it's somewhat unbalanced, but the orange is very unbalanced, giving the Humans an easy place to holdout at the washtub/boat escape area (also, the video doesn't show this, but I discovered that if you go to the upper level of the platform where you press the final button you can go on another invisible ledge and get on top of the giant shipping crates), and the orange itself takes players to spots where zombies can't reach. These shouldn't be too much of a problem, as you should be able to block or disable these like you've done in other maps.


    Download Link:


    General Description: Run through a Minecraft world to escape the zombie infestation. Escape on the Minecarts to the launch facility and launch the Minecraft-y nuke to eradicate the infestation. This map stays very true to Minecraft (besides the half-blocks that don't exist, the square Nether portals, the Diamond Sword's look and the spheres that roll down at you in the Nether. Curves? In my Minecraft?) and it's aesthetic, and takes players to many different and interesting locations, while also managing to have fantastic gameplay. It's slightly unbalanced and favors the Humans, but I think that can be forgiven. It's a very good map that I personally loved. Also features a Diamond Sword, a Bow (not sure if either of these weapons works in Gmod though), a Pumpkin Helmet, a Creeper Mask, and Minecraft music.
    Bugs: None that I've seen.
    Number of Spawns: 2
    Garry's Mod Compatibility: Most of the map worked fine on my walkthrough of it, however there were some serious issues. First, and foremost, the nuke at the end won't launch, and the blast door at the end won't close. I don't know if this is due to incompatibility, or if it's because it's not running ZE. Secondly, at the holdout point after you exit the Nether, the door won't open. Again, I'm not sure why this is, or if it can be fixed or worked around. Additionally, in two separate cases there is a mesh that has to be destroyed by melee and cannot be destroyed via guns like it can in CS:S.
    Easter Eggs: The Pumpkin Helmet and Creeper Mask are easter eggs, albeit ones that don't affect gameplay. The bow is also an easter egg, being hidden inside of a house that requires you to use a secret enterance. However, the sword is only a semi-easter egg because the materials required to craft it are fairly obvious and ZE announces how to craft it if they have been collected.
    Download Link:
    Sample Gameplay:



    General Description: Humans hold out against the zombie horde on the rooftops of a major city, then escape to the rooftop bunker to call in an airstrike. This map is short, and doesn't include much running away, but instead has a variety of holdout locations, fast-paced gameplay, and is balanced between zombies and humans.
    Bugs: None that I've seen.
    Number of Spawns: 1 large spawn area.
    Garry's Mod Compatibility: Works fine except for two graphical glitches, one being that the water at the bottom of the slide downwards near the beginning of the map is messed up, and the other being that the lighting in the ending bunker screws up sometimes and makes all of the walls black.
    Easter Eggs: There's only one semi-easter egg in the map, and that is the sniping office that can be reached by jumping to the right when in the office near the beginning where players would normally slide downwards into the small pool of water. Players then go across the ledge and up a ladder into a small office with a "Sniping" demotivational picture. Players can snipe zombies from there, but it's easily reached and is fairly obvious and therefore doesn't affect gameplay very much.
    Download Link: (this is the v5 version, even though it doesn't say that)
    Sample Gameplay:


    (I'm continually updating this, I need to test out the maps I've played in C:SS in Gmod, find information about them, and write about them here)
  4. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Excellent, this is a decent start.