application for MVP

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Lisa, Apr 23, 2019.

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  1. Lisa

    Lisa [BB] Admin Admin

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Hello! my name (irl) is Lisa Zurek! my in-game name is " Not Miley Cyrus " and I am here today to apply for an MVP position on the BB surf servers!

    As to why I believe I should be accepted, I like to think that I am super friendly and easy to get along with. I always try my best to help others either learn the ropes to surfing or help them through a map, stage by stage. Sometimes I like to get on just to help people and not surf myself, I find this very rewarding on a personal level, and a great way to make new friends! I try my best to be as supportive as possible to anyone, and I'm always in a good mood, because I believe that moods are contagious. Such as if someone shows up in a bad mood, they might make everyone else feel uneasy or upset because of this, so I never let my mood drop!
    NeverReady likes this.
  2. Jr6150

    Jr6150 [BB] Admin Admin

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Can't recommend enough. Miley's been a long-time member of the community and always has a great attitude and is ready to help the newer players. Would make a great addition to the MVP team. +1
  3. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    As @Kaiden is temporarily indisposed of, I'll do the honours and inform you we're accepting this application! You should find within the next hour or so you have the correct rights on the forums and in-game. For Discord feel free to shoot me over a message and I'll group you accordingly!
    Kaiden likes this.
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