Surf knife

Discussion in 'Surf' started by Lightning, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. Lightning

    Lightning Active Member MVP

    Jun 20, 2017
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    Now I know the whole knife situation has been going around for quite a while now and personally I didn't like it too much to but, I have seen some of my friends come into the server and love he community but leave the surf community souly on that there is no knives. I understand the problems with the knife situation but maybe to increase the percentage of people you could make people pay like $10 or $5 for knives and the person who bought it can only see it so it won't distract others. Now please don't take this as I'm begging for knives I just understand that a lot of people I know would've stayed if there was knives and they probably would've paid. (Just my opinion) also take into account people might complain about the whole situation of they shouldn't have to pay but it also might be something to add that won't hurt but it might increase the popularity but again it isn't needed and we are all doing just fine without it. Just a thought and if anyone has thought of this my bad and I know it's been floating around so thanks and goodnight.
  2. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    I think what we have to understand is why some players want knives. Whenever I've asked them it's usually "we want something to hold that looks nice" grunted between "this server is shit". We have an entire cosmetics system for "looking nice", and as god-mode is on I don't see the purpose in knives apart from annoying people at spawn by spraying blood everywhere.

    I've mentioned it before, and last I checked Teddi isn't completely opposed to it; having an Option in F1 to hide knives would probably fix the issue for those who don't want to see them. Ultimately a lot of surf servers have knives and autohop, and they join ours and expect the same. Autohop (in one form or another) we're working on, perhaps once that's out the way we can look at how best to add knives. But ultimately we get a lot of players who play because there is no knives, or forced autohop etc, so we have to consider them too.
    Lightning likes this.
  3. Lightning

    Lightning Active Member MVP

    Jun 20, 2017
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    Thanks I just wanted to state this to clear up any confusion and have an option to see if it might be added. I've just understood people come through and only want knives but as I said we have a great community and a fun server so idk why we would need it but I was just stated for the people whom I know and some others I hear around who wanted it. Thanks
    Kaiden likes this.
  4. NeverReady

    NeverReady [BB] Admin Admin

    Jul 19, 2016
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    server will be 0/10 with knives

    es joke
    x9nine and Lightning like this.
  5. Jr6150

    Jr6150 [BB] Admin Admin

    Oct 12, 2016
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    guns also pls ty
    NeverReady, Kaiden and Lightning like this.
  6. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Due to the nature of how we want to implement knives, I'm not sure that guns will really be compatible unfortunately.

    When we implement knives (which is fairly low on our list of priorities at the moment) they won't really be visible to anyone else other than yourself and swinging the knife won't actually do any damage or anything to other players around. With that in mind I'm not really sure if we can even fake a gun shot. If we can then it'd be a possibility - but I'm not sure if it even is.
    Lightning likes this.
  7. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Pretty sure guns were a joke <: Yeah knives would mostly be visible to self is the idea, but don't have to tell a newcomer that in short. But yeah wouldn't hold your breath on it, would rather see bonuses and a few other things in first!
    Lightning likes this.
  8. Lightning

    Lightning Active Member MVP

    Jun 20, 2017
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    Definitely I just posted all this for the server and what should happen with it. Maybe we can see it in the future but again bonuses and others things are higher on the list thanks guys
    Kaiden likes this.