would this be allowed?

Discussion in 'Trouble in Terrorist Town' started by Roverrider, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Roverrider

    Roverrider Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Hi! I read the sticky and it didn't say no so I decided to ask. Would it be too much to have tripwires? I looked at a server that had them and they were interesting
  2. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    I don't really see the gameplay value they would bring to the gamemode. If you can define how they were interesting and show how they'd be worth adding, they may get considered.
  3. Sleepydragn1

    Sleepydragn1 Serious Business Since 08

    May 12, 2008
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    Scratch that, I'm incredibly dumb.

    Thank goodness I caught that error immediately.
  4. Roverrider

    Roverrider Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Well you can have it near doorways, it does shine a red laser across so you CAN see where it is and you can shoot it out without dying as long as you're not that close to it, but it was fun as the traitor to set them up in a building and people entered and set them off, exploding right after. There are cons to it, like for example if there's a spot people can teleport to and someone sets one up there, right when the person teleports they would get blown up. (that was something I didn't like about it) and it would probably be too complicated to not allow them to be that close to those types of spots, but then again I enjoyed it and you can spot them easily in places as long as you're not rushing through
  5. I concur.
    I've only played on one (maybe two?) other TTT server, and it had these.
    They add another element to the gameplay.
  6. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    That sounds too op, if you're smart enough to place them in chokes, behind corners, above ladders, it will always kill, and it adds another element of fear because now people have to look where theyre going. We already have op things like the 1 hit knife that you can buy over and over again. TEDDI.
  7. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    So the general gist is that you spend a credit on a device that you (ultimately) put between a doorway and if someone walks by it it explodes? I'm not really seeing any serious tactical (or fair) ideas with this as it's pretty much place and forget.
    Plus I don't see how anyone wouldn't end up seeing them.
  8. Roverrider

    Roverrider Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Well on the map I played you spend a credit and get 3 but that could change. There's some things in that traitor menu that don't seem that tactical (no examples) and it doesn't HAVE to be in a doorway, it could be anywhere. Sometimes people rush through doorways though, so if it is by one (on the other side of the door when they run through) it can get tripped and they explode before they even know what happened. I guess you don't have to add it, but thanks for at least thinking about it for a moment