London riots

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Kaiden, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Zeke

    Zeke [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    May 2, 2008
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    I'm busy, you'll have to handle the riots yourself!

    Ah not true, when water meets a LARGE fire the first thing it does is spread a little more before it starts to die down. But I'm technically just a pyro what do I know?
  2. Whitefang

    Whitefang ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Jul 12, 2008
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    Implying Netherlands are any better.

    ''In ten years we'll be in charge here '', say Moroccan youth in Gouda. ''And then we'll throw that fucking queen out as well'' (original quote cancerqueen)
  3. Mc Diddles

    Mc Diddles <marquee><font size="3" color="blue">Justice Team<

    Sep 9, 2009
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    Old? (Unless its my evil twin George Duddles) And I live down south west now in Dorset so I'm hardly affected at all. However I used to live in London, Balham up till I was 12 and that has been hit very hard. The old street I used to live on is now in flames.

    Also our great Prime Minster is jolly well cross about this because he had to cancel his 17th holiday. That poor fellow....

    They're stuck in the bog at the momment. If they get involved then the media sacks them for being "Brutes in uniforms." and fueling the anger and rage of the riot (However its fucking stupid that they've got no water cannons on the mainland. Just give them 30 minuites to go home of blast the hose) yet if they dont then London burns and the media gets pissed at them for doing jack shit. Right now they are just standing outside them looking threating and trying to control it.

    The downsides of a muticultural city. Its ridcoulous that people are pulling the race card while running outside with a shopping trolly of stolen electronics.

  4. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Yeah, I meant the other George. However you're completly right. The Police can't do anything as such before someone screams brutality. The irony is that the Police was invented to prevent the Army from being accused from such things in the Victorian Era (and so the Army would be freed up). People should just be giving a whack when it's deserving of one otherwise you get the issue you have now - no one respects the authority because the authority has no real power.
  5. Mc Diddles

    Mc Diddles <marquee><font size="3" color="blue">Justice Team<

    Sep 9, 2009
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    Well its our governments fault for creating all these god damn chavy cunts. Hence why all the stores targeted are Adidas, Sony, JJB and HMV. Put some fucking discipline into dem gosh darn kids.
  6. Kyton

    Kyton New Member

    Apr 24, 2011
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    I hate people sometimes, not a particular group, but our species as a whole. i understand being upset over some guy being shot by police, but this is taking it way too far. granted ive never been to the uk but it sort of feels from this side of the world like a typical group of assholes saw a chance to drive the reaction far past where it needs to be. a close personal friend of mine suffered through his younger brother being shot to death unjustly by denver police, his friend was with him and nearly died aswell. they were in a stolen SUV with a pair of flat tires driving away, the cops(denver PD) claimed they were driving straight at them, the part that gave it away was that they had both recieved gunshot wounds inconsistent with being shot at while moving anywhere near towards the shooters(IE, they were both shot in the back). His brother was killed instantly while his friend barely survived. all of the police involved i was told did serious jail time for brutality and murder charges. no riots ever occured though there was a lot of picketing. when i hear that a guy being shot unfairly sparked these riots off i have no ability to refrain from serious facepalming. all they do in the end is damage the cause it started for. i hope whoever was at fault for the shooting gets what they deserve. especially if the officer was guilty of unjust police brutality.

    Its really unfortunate that police anywhere are forced to be armed, not all of them are responsible enough to handle it, but over in the us theres places where police cant go alone without being shot at/killed which leads to police being armed and armored, some of them even carry a 12 gauge shotgun in their cruisers plus a taser, plus mace, plus a baton, plus a pistol which until fairly recently was 9mm but has since been upped for more lethality because it turns out a 9mm doesnt have enough stopping power behind it for some of the criminals. jesus this world annoys me.
  7. Cwivey

    Cwivey See-wivey!

    Jun 22, 2008
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    The vast majority of police in England don't even carry guns, special armed squads are used to deal with gun-crimes. Had the person who was shot by the police not been carrying a gun himself and shot at the police, he wouldn't have died.

    Tbh the Rioters are using it as a scapegoat, bastards.
  8. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Similar to the meadow well riots. Had the kids not been dumb and riding around in a stolen car, they wouldn't have died. That said however the fact there is rioting does show that there's unrest in the country, and a fair amount at that.
  9. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Police chase a stolen car, the stolen car crashes and the young occupants die, POLICES FAULT OMG RIOT.

    Dumb culture. Although conspiracy around the actual original killing of the male is interesting, supposedly the bullet that was found lodged in the police radio - that resulted in the killing of the man - was in fact firing from a police issued pistol, as well as the gun the man was carrying was not fired at the scene.

    Pretty interesting, although we'll never find out what actually happened.
  10. Zeke

    Zeke [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    May 2, 2008
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    Well the way it's going to be looked at is...did the person really need to be chased in the first place? Was the crime severe enough to put on a chase and risk the lives of others? Did the person deserve it (i.e. carjacker vs. red light runner). So it can very well be looked at as the polices fault, although it shouldn't be.

    Well, if a proper investigation is done, assuming a riot didn't happen at the exact location and the police find out exactly what happened from forensics; then eventually the details will become public record. I'm sure some dumbass will make a movie out of this. It seems like nowadays they are making movies for everything, shit I can trip over a fucking rock and they'll make it into a movie saying I found gold underneath the rock.