Economic Solution, The American Way

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by giantzfan53, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. giantzfan53

    giantzfan53 Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    The USA is the powerhouse of the world when it comes to the economy. When it loses, others lose. However, as an American citizen, we need to solve the problem of the USA losing when foreign countries lose economic power. We are so dependant on other countries that clearly there are not enough jobs going around.

    In conclusion, why don't we make a law for all corporations of America to have a set percentage of production rate inside the United States. This will create more jobs, strengthen the USD, lower inflation even more, and most importantly generate that lost taxed money that our companies are giving away to foreign countries, particularly China. We would be able to create revenue for Uncle Sam and end the Recession. Any feedback?
  2. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Tax the rich more, simple. Yet, they control everything, so impossible, WHAT A CONUNDRUM!
  3. giantzfan53

    giantzfan53 Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Catch 22 sucks
    Edit: just looked it up and apparently this happened in the 1930s that was in part cause of the Great Depression. It was called the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.
  4. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    This is true for countries that use the dollar as a base currency (see: China). For countries like the UK we tend to borrow from banks that are closer to home (Iceland, Ireland, France, Germany). The issue with this is that indirectly we're affected with the weakening of the Euro which itself can be influenced by the weakening of the Dollar.
    However this also comes down to shoddy spending and governments spending more money than what they really have. In the UK for the past ten years we've had wasted spending in pretty much all sectors. In 2001 it was the Millenium Dome. This year it's the shitty olympic Stadium and villages surrounding it (that said, we've actually mostly paid the debt on that now, only £150 Mill to go!).

    Simply put, won't happen. Corporations in America have far too much power (your laws for these sort of things really do fucking suck). You're effectively fucked because you're forced to pay said corporations whilst they up the prices. The idea behind inflation and interest is that they should rise at similar rates over time. This doesn't work because your government is spending money on stupid things (see: military) whilst doing no real attempt to cut back on things that are wasteless.

    To get out of a recession you must spend effectively in said recession. Spend in the wrong areas / spend needlessly and you're pretty fucked.
  5. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    That's what the right wing wants, to cut spending, in literally every sector, including medicare/ade/social security, etc. They don't want to even consider a tax increase, or cuts to their precious big business. Trickle down theory has never worked, but apparently if the old folk keep watching Fox News, it will!
  6. Mc Diddles

    Mc Diddles <marquee><font size="3" color="blue">Justice Team<

    Sep 9, 2009
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    Before entering this thread I'lld say watch this video as it explains alot if your someone like me who flunked business and economical studies


    Unfortunately there is no way round it in a capitalist view which has always been about screwing people over to make your life easier. We could declare war on some country and ransack the place or sell weapons (American World War's style) but of course wars are very unpopular and can easily backfire, see Vietnam. Two other ways to get around it is to limit population growth which again is a very unpopular view or cut welfare to those abusing it (So Shaqila cant get away with pooping out 7 babies and living off child benefits).

    Either way we're going to have to face or els it'll keep snowballing.
  7. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    That's a lot of what we are trying to do, cut down on abuse, but then they go too far and the people complain then they stop then they abuse again ... cycle of life and death continues.
  8. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Or our governments could actually do the right thing and save where required and not spend where it's dumb (eg Trident defense project in the UK). Although we do need to cut welfare to abusers as well because that's a horrible chain of events.
  9. giantzfan53

    giantzfan53 Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    I do agree with Teddi 100%, there is too much power in the corporations of America. We do have to cut spending, but where and how is the question. In my perspective, the people of America are starting to lose their pride for their country since Iraq. In Obama's defense, he wasn't really left with a perfect country after Bush left office either.
  10. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    From my understanding Obama has actually done a pretty decent job with what he was left with. But that's only from what I've heard in the news (depending on the outlet, will be biased).
    For one, your military could recieve a huge cut. And them secret deals that were revealed earlier this month that your Government has been doing with bankers and big corporations.
  11. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Of course it could, but there's no way in hell it'll pass. Heck, the reasons the soldiers are in the middle east isn't "peace in the middle east" it's for oil. The reason the soldiers go is because they want to escape their home lives, for whatever reason, abuse, boredom, etc. They have no pride for the country at all! They have brotherhood with other soldiers, they don't care what they're fighting for, they just want to fight with their buds. If you've watched Restrepo, you know what i'm talking about. Also, we feel it's necessary to have atleast 4x the amount of nuclear weapons as any other nation, clearly enough for blow up earth 10+ times. The right wing has too much power because they control the media, and the average Joe doesn't know better, they listen to their parents to form their political and religious ideologies and really, that comes from media as well. So they have no minds of their own, they are oblivious to whats really going on, because the gullible people that idiots are, they'll believe anything and agree with anything that their peers do. This is for military as well, the ads for the branches of military on t.v. eventually, average Joe gets curious, then asks a peer, then joins. Then they form this whole, WE ARE #1 USA USA WE SAVING THE WORLD ONE WAR AT A TIME! And thats how the military works. Nobody can touch it.
  12. Zeke

    Zeke [BB] Sub Admin Sub Admin

    May 2, 2008
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    We need population control, then the number of jobs available wouldn't be an issue.

    And actually I've signed with the Navy recently so I was informed of a pay increase, only 1% by next year, the smallest percentage increase in like 60 years. But what Bundt says is true, Iraq is all oil, Afghanistan on the otherhand is an actual war that needs to be fought.
  13. Zephyr1551

    Zephyr1551 The Slayer of Bob

    Jul 14, 2008
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    umm.... what?
  14. Sleepydragn1

    Sleepydragn1 Serious Business Since 08

    May 12, 2008
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    While this is sort of true, the alternatives to capitalism are worse.

    I personally think the only thing we need to limit is people taking fertility drugs and purposely trying to give birth to tons of children in order to get on television, or to get attention in general (see: Octamom).

    This needs to be done.

    I have to disagree with your assertion that the media is controlled by the right-wing. If anything, most television news stations, online media outlets, and newspapers contain varying degrees of liberal bias (at least, that's my opinion. Perhaps we all just look at the news and nitpick about slight bias for the political side we don't support, and ignore the bias for our own political side).

    Also, there are just as many mindless republicans/conservatives as democrats/liberals. There will always be those who blindly follow causes.
  15. Mc Diddles

    Mc Diddles <marquee><font size="3" color="blue">Justice Team<

    Sep 9, 2009
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    This is the biggest thing I love about America (in a dickish way). I cant really say what its like in person but from the media it seems "The land of the free" and the "Slayer of communism and bringer of free-will." are not better off than Europe or any other country at the moment. But enough being a cunt.

    For America I would say vote Ron Paul. He seems to hit the right nail on the head but it seems the conservative party along with the media seem to be making him up for some crazed nut. He believes 9/11 was America's fault and that to fix the economic situation would be to bring the troops home, slow down spending in Military/welfare and focus on paying off the loans and debt America's snowballed since Bush. Rather funny that he's a Republican yet thousands of Liberals would line up to vote for him. Its ridiculous that America is still arguing about creationism and evolution while the rest of the world has gotten over it 40 years ago

    Bundts right though. When you have people like Michele Bachmann (look her up) are running for candidate and HAS A FUCKING CHANCE, you know until people like this are laughed at by the general public your not getting anywhere. Just have a look.


    Enough bushing the American when we have our lovely parliament to worry about. If anyone thinks they have it bad in their country just wait till you see our fucking joke of a government.
  16. Teddi

    Teddi Well-Known Member Bear

    Jul 21, 2007
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    Michele Bachmann is a nut that sadly the idiots of America like. The main issue you get idiots like her being supported is a large chunk of Americas education is very, very poor compared to the rest of the world (bar some of their colleges which cost a fuckload to go to). Ron Paul strikes me as an interesting man however we've not really seen him do much and unfortunately that adds a whole line of risk. Much like the Cameon / Clegg duo in the UK, Clegg was like "We won't surrender / accept most of the Conservs plans". And suddenly he did a huge switcheroo on his parties stance towards many things, including the thing that go him into his position - students and their fees.

    The UK Government just needs to man the fuck up and actually accept that you can't please everyone and set the country back in motion. Thatcher Era was bad. Era after was not rememberable. The start of the Blair era was actually fairly good and for a decent duration things were okay during it. It was towards the end where he basically fucked up, went to war with Bush and started spending stupid amounts of cas.
  17. Mc Diddles

    Mc Diddles <marquee><font size="3" color="blue">Justice Team<

    Sep 9, 2009
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    Cant beat dark comedy.
  18. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    "AMES, Iowa -- Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has won the Ames Straw Poll with 29% of the vote, edging out Rep. Ron Paul by 152 votes, or 28%."

    This means Bachmann is the frontrunner for the Republicans. /wrists
  19. Whitefang

    Whitefang ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Jul 12, 2008
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    Combined with that she thinks the seperation of church and state is a myth and America was founded on Christian notions, I think I know who WON'T become president.
  20. Bundt

    Bundt DJ Pauly D MVP

    Jul 28, 2009
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    And her wanting to ban porn completely... You know whos not getting a vote from me, (I can vote next election)
