Mocha's MVP Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by MochaBear, Apr 5, 2022.

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  1. MochaBear

    MochaBear New Member

    Jan 18, 2022
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    • Name: Matthew (MochaBear)
    • Steam ID:
    • Server(s) you wish to apply for and given role: MVP
    • Why you think you should be accepted for this role: I am a very active player on the bb surf community and I am often online when no staff are, I want bb to be a safe place for everyone to relax and have a good time.
    Thank you for your consideration
  2. Miravyre

    Miravyre [BB] Admin Admin

    Aug 1, 2021
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    At the current moment i don't believe there are currently too many active MVPs if any, so seeing as someone has interest in the role is great to see! I believe Mocha is a very active member of the community as well as being helpful and has been a very nice person to get to know and befriend. On top of that he's contacted staff on a number of occasions so players can be properly dealt with.
  3. tuna sub backwards

    tuna sub backwards [BB] Admin Admin

    Oct 27, 2020
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    I have had a rocky acquaintanceship with Mocha but it's mellowed out to a better friendship to a degree. Although this player has a tendency to rack up punishments for themselves due to carelessness, I do agree, they have proven to work closely with staff the past few months, as well as provide photographic proof of few incidents. Also greets people upon entering, opening up conversation which is usually genuine and pleasant. I know MVP role is hard to mess up, so let me be clear, I do not think MochaBear would have many issues in this role! Just considering this players involvement in aiding staff to apprehend toxic players alone is a plus one from me.

    Regardless, the one thing I have to mention is, we request that our applicants don't have a deep history of punishments (see here: and you have a prolific history! Also fairly recent history, which I have to bring up as it is a prerequisite for applying. Otherwise, best of luck on your application! Love to see people excited to join BB team!
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
    Miravyre likes this.
  4. Kaiden

    Kaiden Administrator Community Manager

    Feb 13, 2008
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    I have no issue with you personally and you usually bring decent contributions to voice chat, and have seen helping players plenty of times. But, you have 16 punishments on record, with 4 in 2022, and the last was less than 2 weeks ago from Teddi no less. Would say go 6 months without punishments and revisit applying. Ultimately an MVP represents the best of the server and having recent punishments just doesn't go hand in hand with that.
    Killermon likes this.
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