NLR Rule broke

Discussion in 'Complaints & Appeals' started by Tarnowsky, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. Tarnowsky

    Tarnowsky New Member

    May 30, 2008
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    Today I was just playing normally like I do always and I went into this guys house to search. He pulled his gun out and got a shot at me but I managed to kill him. I then shot up around 7 drug labs. I noticed him in the door right after he died but I just thought he was watching... not trying to break any rule. But he did. He started shooting at me again, I did destroy the drugs but I died from him.

    His name was and his steamID is
    # 390 "[???]S????" STEAM_0:1:14059705

    Heres a picture for the proof
    As you can see, you see my name "Tarnowsky killed [???]S????" then a little after you see "[???]S???? killed Tarnowsky"

    I tried telling the couple of admins in there and they did nothing! NOTHING at all. Isn't breaking NLR, well against the rules and will resolve in a kick/ban? Idk but I know that isn't right.
  2. Sasafrasquatch7

    Sasafrasquatch7 Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Temp bann for sure this guy clearly broke NLR.